Consulting Services for Mombasa Port Development Project (Contract Package Nos. 1 & 2)(11/2/2011 9:57:20 AM)

This project is aimed at construction of a new container terminal in front of the coast at a site west of Kipevu Oil Terminal with an area of 100 ha in total (the New Terminal) with Phase I planned to commence at the beginning of year 2010 up to November 2015, while Phases II and III are expected to be implemented 2015 – 2019 and 2019 – 2023, respectively. The project is designed to provide the required container handling capacity towards the target year of 2025.
Consultancy Services for Dredging and Hydrographic Works in Mombasa Port(11/2/2011 9:46:54 AM)

Mombasa Port is a major gateway port for seaborne trade in Kenya. The port currently handling approx. 500,000 TEUs per year is urgently required for improvement and / or expansion of the existing port facilities to cope with the forecasted container handling demand of 1 million TEUs per year in 2025.
Under the said situation, the Government of Kenya decided to construct a new container terminal with a depth of –15 m to accommodate post-panamax ships, and to improve the existing navigation channel and secure new turning and anchorage basins in front of the new container terminal.
Consulting Services for Domestic Maritime Transport Project(11/2/2011 9:42:11 AM)

Maritime Transport Project comprises (1) Infrastructure investment component,
and (2) Institutional development and capacity building component.
The infrastructure
investment component consists of enhancements to the existing Male North Harbor
through (1) construction of general cargo / passenger wharf (- 4 m deep, 370 m
long), projecting northward at right angles to Marine Drive alongside the
boundary to Male Commercial Harbor, (2) dredging (13,000 m3), reclamation
(26,000 m3), terminal yard (5,400 m2) with warehouse (4,800 m2) and other
building and utility works, (3) provision of luffing crane (25-ton capacity, 1
unit) and forklift trucks, (4) construction of a temporary transit area for
goods and passengers, and (5) IEE and other consulting services.
Consulting Services for Feasibility Study of Seaport under Dong Lam Cement Plant Project(11/2/2011 9:38:51 AM)

Dong Lam Cement Joint Stock Company plans to construct Dong Lam Cement Plant with clinker production capacity of 4,000 tons/day, at Phong Xuan and Phong An Communes, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province, based on the Investment License granted by the Prime Minister under its letter No. 404/TTg-CN dated March 13, 2006. In order to meet the demands for materials transportation of the plant, the project owner intends to construct a general cargo seaport and a dedicated road route connecting from the plant to the seaport
Consulting Services for Cai Mep – Thi Vai International Port Construction Project (11/2/2011 9:32:53 AM)

Port basin dredging of 95,000 m3, reclamation of about 25 ha and foundation improvement works, multipurpose terminal yard of 24.6 ha with operation and office buildings, warehouse, maintenance shop and utilities, multipurpose wharf (container, general and bulk cargo wharf) of 600 m long and 14 m deep, tugboat berths each of 40 m long and 5 m to 14 m deep, mooring and turning basins of 450 m dia. and 12 m or 14 m deep, access road of 163 m long, multipurpose quayside cranes (40-ton capacity, 2 units), and quayside jib crane (20-ton capacity, 2 units).
Study on Namibe Port Development in Angola(11/2/2011 1:52:32 PM)

Port of Namibe, the third biggest port in Angola, plays a strategic coastal port for economic development of the southern part of the country. Rehabilitation of the existing general cargo terminal in the port is scheduled to start soon as a Japanese Grant Aid Project. However, the handling cargo volume has been increasing more rapidly than expected, and the cargo demand may exceed the terminal capacity in 2010 even if such Grand Aid Project is implemented
Special Assistance for Project Formation (SAPROF) for Mombasa Port Container Terminal Modernization Project in Kenya(11/2/2011 1:50:19 PM)

Mombasa Port, only an international commercial port in Kenya, is required to be urgently developed to cope with the rapid growth of container cargo handling demands. The project is aimed at channel dredging, construction of container berths (each 300 to 350 m long, 14 to 16 m deep), container marshalling yard (10 to 20 ha / berth with related buildings, and access road of 2,500 m, and procurement of quayside container cranes (height : 29 to 36 m high, reach : 37 to 50 m). The container berths will accommodate 4th generation container ships and / or post-panamax ships
Environmental Consideration Study for Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project(11/2/2011 1:48:48 PM)

In response to the request from the Government of Kenya for the Japanese Government’ ODA Loan for implementation of Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project, JBIC has conducted a study of Special Assistance for Project Formation (SAPROF) from March to November 2006 to evaluate a feasibility of the Project. As the Project involves a large-scaled port development, it is required to ascertain the environmental and social impacts caused by the implementation of the Project. Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), executing agency of the Project, has prepared and submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the Project to National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) in December 2006. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Access Road construction planned in the Project is under preparation by KPA. Certain information relating to the environmental considerations of the Project is available in the EIA Report.
Consultancy Services for Port of Colombo Extension Project (III) (Equipment for JCT 1, 2 & 3 and Tugboat)(11/2/2011 11:33:25 AM)

Main objective of the project is to procure the following equipment and vessel for enhanced operation of the Port of Colombo :
1) VTS, radar and VHF communication systems for pilot station, light beacons for breakwaters near North Western Entrance and light buoys for navigation channel.
2) Feeder equipment and transfer crane for Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) No. 4.
3) Post-Panamax quayside container cranes and transfer cranes for JCT No. 3.
4) Transfer cranes and electrical / electronic facilities for JCT Nos. 2 and 3.
Study on Urgent Development of Port of Galle as a Regional Port in Sri Lanka(11/2/2011 11:29:31 AM)

Review and revise the existing port master plan (Short-term Development Plan of Galle Port proposed in the Study on Development of Port of Galle conducted by JICA in 1991), considering the results of the Master Plan Study for Southern Area Development in Sri Lanka conducted by JICA in 1997. The target year of the new Short-term Development Plan is 2005.
Consultancy Services for Water Depth Enhancement in Port of Colombo(11/2/2011 11:27:25 AM)

In December 2000, JPC submitted to the SLPA a preliminary report containing the positive results of its studies conducted for the SLPA on the feasibility of implementing the project for dredging for deepening the basin of the Port of Colombo including the area alongside the JCT Nos. 3 and 4 berths and the navigation channel and carrying out the required modifications to the existing quay foundations in order to carry the SLPA plan into practice.
Study for Implementation of the Port of Galle Development Project(11/2/2011 11:20:52 AM)

Port of Galle Development Project was worked out to construct a new multipurpose terminal, to provide high quality services to meet the future demand for cargo traffic in the southern region of Sri Lanka, and accelerate the Southern Region Development. The project which will be implemented in two (2) separate phases, comprises the navigation channel, channel and port basin dredging (340,000 m3), outer breakwater (800 m long), inner breakwater (350 m long), multipurpose berths (each 240 m long x -12 m deep), small craft berth (170 m long x -4.5 m deep), revetments (2,370 m long), reclamation (3,200,000 m3) for container and open yards, port access road (1,200 m long), administration building, transit shed, maintenance shop, utilities, navigation aids (light buoys, beacons and sector light), and multipurpose crane (35-ton capacity, 1 unit), top lifter (35-ton capacity, 2 units), and computer system.
Consultancy Services for Urgent Upgrading of Colombo Port Project (North Channel Dredging)(11/2/2011 11:19:34 AM)

Main Channel, only one approach channel to the Port of Colombo, is congested with increased calling ships after full operation of Jaya Container Terminals No. 1 to 4. Improvement of navigational capacity in the port is one of the imperative development requirements, and the existing North Channel is planned to be dredged to deepen and widen for relief of traffic congestion in the Main Channel and to be provided with navigation aids for safe ship passage through North Channel.
Detailed Design Study on Urgent Rehabilitation Project of Tanjung Priok Port in Indonesia (2nd Year)(11/2/2011 11:07:49 AM)

Objective of the study is to conduct the detailed design, including all necessary documentations, of the following project facilities :
Channel and Basin Improvement
1) Dam Tengah Breakwater (new construction : 1,1561 m, demolition : 1,605 m);
2) Dam Barat Breakwater (new construction : 100 m, demolition : 225 m); and
3) Improvement of existing navigation channel and port basin, channel and basin dredging (8,078,000 m3) and navigation aids.
Detailed Design Study on Urgent Rehabilitation Project of Tanjung Priok Port in Indonesia (1st Year)(11/2/2011 10:57:26 AM)

Objective of the study is to conduct the detailed design, including all necessary documentations, of the following project facilities :
Channel and Basin Improvement
1) Dam Tengah Breakwater (new construction : 1,1561 m, demolition : 1,605 m);
2) Dam Barat Breakwater (new construction : 100 m, demolition : 225 m)
3) Improvement of existing navigation channel and port basin, navigation channel and basin dredging (8,078,000 m3) and installation of navigation aids.
Project for Improvement of Port Security System in the Republic of Indonesia (1st Year)(11/2/2011 10:48:49 AM)

Objective of the Project is to strengthen the port security system in eight (8) major international ports in Indonesia, i.e., Belawan, Dumai, Tanjung Pinang, Palembang, Teluk Bayur, Pontianak, Benoa and Makassar, by providing the following port security equipment to the said ports under the Japanese Government’s grant aid cooperatioProject for Improvement of Port Security System in the
Republic of Indonesia (1st Year)
Engineering and Supervisory Services for Kupang and Bitung Port Development Project (Contract Package Nos. 1 & 2)(11/2/2011 10:43:36 AM)

Scope of services for development of the project ports includes 1) review of the latest master plan and feasibility study for the both ports, 2) natural conditions surveys, 3) environmental study in respect of air and water preservation and aquatic fauna and flora at and around the project sites, 4) traffic demand forecast, 5) alternative and detailed designs, 6) prequalification and bidding documents and cost estimates, 7) assistance in prequalification, bidding and contract procedures, 8) supervision of construction works and equipment procurement, 9) technology transfer, and 10) final inspection of project facilities before expiry of maintenance period.
Study for Development of Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Ports in Republic of Indonesia (2nd Year)(11/2/2011 10:40:33 AM)

Objective of the Study is to formulate an integrated long-term port development master plan with target year of 2030 for Surabaya and its adjacent areas including the west part of Madura Island to be able to serve future maritime traffic while providing port services. The study area which refers to the direct hinterland of port development includes Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Lamongan. The future possible port project recommended by the study team will cover such works as dredging, reclamation, port facilities, buildings and equipment, yards, sewerage and access road.
Study for Development of Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Ports in Republic of Indonesia (1st Year)(11/2/2011 10:39:00 AM)

Objective of the Study is to formulate an integrated long-term port development master plan with target year of 2030 for Surabaya and its adjacent areas including the west part of Madura Island to be able to serve future maritime traffic while providing port services. The study area which refers to the direct hinterland of port development includes Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Lamongan. The future possible port project recommended by the study team will cover such works as dredging, reclamation, port facilities, buildings and equipment, yards, sewerage and access road.
Consulting Services for Da Nang Port Improvement Project (Contract Package Nos. 1 to 5)(11/2/2011 10:35:57 AM)

A comprehensive study was conducted by JBIC to supplement and consolidate various previous relevant studies by ADB and JICA for overall development of Da Nang Port. The study identified the necessity for phased expansion of Tien Sa Port to cope with anticipated increase in future cargo throughput in Da Nang Port.
Project components include breakwater of 450 m long (including foundation improvement works), repairs and remodeling of existing conventional piers 1 & 2 (each 186 m long x –11 m deep) to container piers, CFS of 2,000 m3 and other buildings, utilities, container terminal of 34,500 m2, port basin dredging of 357,000 m3, upgrading of existing port access road of 12.3 km, bridge of 530 m long with approach of 1,540 m long linking the access road, Da Nang Bypass of 18 km
Port Development Study in South of Viet Nam (2nd Year)(11/2/2011 10:33:56 AM)

Main objectives of the study are 1) to prepare a master plan for comprehensive development of the port complexes in SFEA including Thi Vai – Vung Tau development in comparison with Vung Tau (Ben Dinh – Sao Mai), and 2) to prepare a short-term development of the ports in SFEA and to carry out a feasibility study for the priority projects (target year 2010). As a result of the study, Lower Cai Mep International Container Terminal (LCC) and Thi Vai International Multipurpose Terminal (TMT), each consisting of the project components shown below, were selected as the priority projects :
LCC : Container wharf of 600 m long, reclamation of 39 ha, foundation improvement works, container yard of 376,000 m2, CFS and other buildings, utilities, post-panamax 40-ton quayside container cranes and transfer cranes, and access road of 3 km.
Port Development Study in South of Viet Nam (1st Year)(11/2/2011 10:30:55 AM)

Main objectives of the study are 1) to prepare a master plan for comprehensive development of the port complexes in SFEA including Thi Vai – Vung Tau development in comparison with Vung Tau (Ben Dinh – Sao Mai), and 2) to prepare a short-term development of the ports in SFEA and to carry out a feasibility study for the priority projects (target year 2010). As a result of the study, Lower Cai Mep International Container Terminal (LCC) and Thi Vai International Multipurpose Terminal (TMT), each consisting of the project components shown below, were selected as the priority projects.
Study on Red River Inland Waterway Transport System in Viet Nam (2nd Year)(11/2/2011 10:27:38 AM)

Main objectives of the study are 1) to formulate a long-term strategy for inland waterway transport (IWT) system in Red River Delta, 2) to formulae a master plan for the IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, 3) to formulate a short-term development plan for IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, and 4) to conduct a feasibility study on the priority projects.
Study on Red River Inland Waterway Transport System in Viet Nam (1st Year)(11/2/2011 10:26:12 AM)

Main objectives of the study are 1) to formulate a long-term strategy for inland waterway transport (IWT) system in Red River Delta, 2) to formulae a master plan for the IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, 3) to formulate a short-term development plan for IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, and 4) to conduct a feasibility study on the priority projects.
Detailed Design Study of Cai Mep – Thi Vai International Terminals in Vietnam (2nd Year) (Contract Package Nos. 1 to 4)(11/2/2011 10:24:17 AM)

The project is aimed at construction of International Container Terminal (ICT) at Cai Mep area and International Multipurpose Terminal (IMT) at Thi Vai area as shown below.
ICT : Port basin dredging of 90,515 m3, reclamation of about 40 ha and foundation improvement works, container terminal with yards of 39.6 ha, CFS of 6,442 m2, maintenance shop, office buildings and utilities, container wharf of 600 m long and 14 m deep with approach trestles, tugboat berths each of 55 m long and 7 m to 14 m deep, mooring and turning basins of 600 m dia. and 14 m deep, port access road of 8,150 m long including bridge, post-panamax quayside container cranes (48-ton capacity, 4 units), and rubber tired transfer cranes (15 units).
Detailed Design Study of Cai Mep – Thi Vai International Terminals in Vietnam (1st Year) (Contract Package Nos. 1 to 4)(11/2/2011 10:21:42 AM)

The project is aimed at construction of International Container Terminal (ICT) at Cai Mep area and International Multipurpose Terminal (IMT) at Thi Vai area as shown below.
ICT: Port basin dredging of 90,515 m3, reclamation of about 40 ha and foundation improvement works, container terminal with yards of 39.6 ha, CFS of 6,442 m2, maintenance shop, office buildings and utilities, container wharf of 600 m long and 14 m deep with approach trestles, tugboat berths each of 55 m long and 7 m to 14 m deep, mooring and turning basins of 600 m dia. and 14 m deep, port access road of 8,150 m long including bridge, post-panamax quayside container cranes (48-ton capacity, 4 units), and rubber tired transfer cranes (15 units).
Master Plan and Feasibility Study for Sao Mai – Ben Dinh Petroleum Marine Logistics Base Project(11/2/2011 10:17:26 AM)

The Owner. intends to build and operate a Petroleum Marine Logistics Base and a General Cargo Port at Sao Mai – Ben Dinh area to serve the oil and gas exploration companies off the Coast of Vietnam. The development includes site preparation of about 164 hectares land which will be formed in 2 levels: infrastructures, buildings and landscaping, shore protection, wharf and transit area; and all mechanical systems such as fire protection system, water distribution, sewage and sanitary, all electrical system, air-conditioning & ventilation, and telecommunication system for smooth operation of the base.