Location within Country:
Red River Delta
Professional Staff Provided by Your Firm:
Dty. Team Leader, Channel Mainten. Expert, Port Eng., etc.
Start Date (Month/Year):
May 15, 2002
Completion Date (Month/Year):
March 20, 2003
Approx. Value of Services (in Current US$):
Total : USD 2,124,434
JPC Share : USD 1,031,762
Name of Associated Consultants, if any:
JV Leader : The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI)
JV Partner : Japan Port Consultants, Ltd. (JPC)
No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Consultants:
26.5 M/M
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:
H. Ouchi : Team Leader (OCDI)
K. Nagai : Deputy Team Leader / JPC Team Leader
Approximate Total Value of the Project:
USD 149 Million
Narrative Description of Project:
Main objectives of the study are 1) to formulate a long-term strategy for inland waterway transport (IWT) system in Red River Delta, 2) to formulae a master plan for the IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, 3) to formulate a short-term development plan for IWT system in Red River segment through Hanoi, and 4) to conduct a feasibility study on the priority projects. As a result, short-term development plan is recommended for four (4) major ports as shown below.
1) Hanoi Port : new wharf (100 m long, -2 m deep), terminal yard (3 ha), quayside mobile crane (8-ton capacity x 5 units) and other cargo handling equipment, passenger terminal, and port access road (2.6 km long);
2) Khuyen Luong Port : new wharf (160 m long, -2.5 m deep), terminal yard (4 ha), quayside mobile crane (8-ton capacity x 6 units) and other cargo handling equipment, and port access road (2.7 km long);
3) New North Port : new wharf (280 m long, -2.5 m deep), terminal yard (4 ha), quayside mobile crane (8-ton capacity x 5 units) and other cargo handling equipment, and port access road (2.3 km long); and
4) New East Port : new wharf (360 m long, -2.5 m deep), terminal yard (8 ha), quayside mobile crane (8-ton capacity x 6 units and 30-ton capacity x 1 unit) and other cargo handling equipment, and port access road (1.4 km long).
The construction works will include improvement of river navigation channel and navigation aids, channel dredging, reclamation, wharves, buildings, yards, utilities, equipment and port access roads.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:
Consulting services provided by our staff cover the following :
1) Formulation of master plan for Red River Inland Waterway Transport System;
2) Study on maintenance of navigation channel;
3) Preparation of Interim Report and Progress Report (2);
4) Natural conditions and environmental surveys including IEE;
5) Formulation of short-term development plan;
6) Feasibility study including basic designs; and
7) Preparation of Draft Final Report and Final Report.