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Confirmation of Environmental Considerations in Port of Tanjung Pelapas Development Project - Phase II
This assignment is aimed at confirming the soundness of environmental considerations before implementation of the Tanjung Pelapas Development Project - Phase II, by reviewing the EIA for the project approved by the Department of Environment of the Government of Malaysia in 1996.  The Phase I project financed by JBIC was completed in January 2001, and the Phase II project including the following components

Assignment Name:

Confirmation of Environmental Considerations in Port of Tanjung Pelapas Development Project - Phase II



Location within Country:

Tanjung Pelapas Port

Professional Staff Provided by Your Firm:

Team Leader, Environmental Enrineer

Name of Employer:

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

No. of Staff:



No. 4-1, Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

No. of Staff-Months:

2 M/M

Start Date (Month/Year):

December 26, 2001

Completion Date (Month/Year):

  February 28, 2002

Approx. Value of Services

(in Current US$):

USD 64,449

Duration of the Services:

  2.1 Months

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Consultants:


Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:

T. Ichizono : Team Leader

Approximate Total Value of the Project:


Narrative Description of Project:

This assignment is aimed at confirming the soundness of environmental considerations before implementation of the Tanjung Pelapas Development Project - Phase II, by reviewing the EIA for the project approved by the Department of Environment of the Government of Malaysia in 1996.  The Phase I project financed by JBIC was completed in January 2001, and the Phase II project including the following components :

1)       Widening and deepening of existing navigation channel, navigation channel dredging, introduction of navigation aids;

2)       Reclamation for yards and buildings;

3)       Construction of 6 container berths, container and other yards, workshop, operation building, utilities, substations and access roads; and

4)       Procurement of cargo handling equipment.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

The consulting services provided by our staff cover the following :

1)       Confirmation of soundness of environmental considerations related to natural environment issues and social environment issues;

2)       Confirmation of status of EIA (Government approval and validity of EIA);

3)       Review of EIA report;

4)       Confirmation of soundness of environmental considerations to be executed during implementation of the Phase II project;

5)       Confirmation of land acquisition and residents relocation plans; and

6)       Preparation of Draft Final and Final Reports.

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