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Environmental Consideration Study for Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project
In response to the request from the Government of Kenya for the Japanese Government’ ODA Loan for implementation of Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project, JBIC has conducted a study of Special Assistance for Project Formation (SAPROF) from March to November 2006 to evaluate a feasibility of the Project.  As the Project involves a large-scaled port development, it is required to ascertain the environmental and social impacts caused by the implementation of the Project. Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), executing agency of the Project, has prepared and submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the Project to National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) in December 2006.  Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Access Road construction planned in the Project is under preparation by KPA.  Certain information relating to the environmental considerations of the Project is available in the EIA Report.

Assignment Name:

Environmental Consideration Study for Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project



Location within Country:

Mombasa Port

Professional Staff Provided by Your Firm:

Team Leader / Environ. Consideration Expert, Social Consideration Expert

Name of Employer:

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

No. of Staff:



No. 4-1, Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan   

No. of Staff-Months:

2.46 M/M

Start Date (Month/Year):

May 8, 2007

Completion Date (Month/Year):

July 31, 2007

Approx. Value of Services

(in Current US$):

USD 99,624

Duration of the Services:

  2.6 Months

Name of Associated Consultants, if any:


No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Consultants:


Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:

K. Harada : Team Leader / Environmental Consideration Expert

Approximate Total Value of the Project:

USD 267 Million

Narrative Description of Project:

In response to the request from the Government of Kenya for the Japanese Government’ ODA Loan for implementation of Mombasa Port Container Terminal Expansion Project, JBIC has conducted a study of Special Assistance for Project Formation (SAPROF) from March to November 2006 to evaluate a feasibility of the Project.  As the Project involves a large-scaled port development, it is required to ascertain the environmental and social impacts caused by the implementation of the Project. Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), executing agency of the Project, has prepared and submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the Project to National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) in December 2006.  Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Access Road construction planned in the Project is under preparation by KPA.  Certain information relating to the environmental considerations of the Project is available in the EIA Report.

Objective of this Study is to collect additional information by conducting supplementary study, to analyze the potential environmental issues, and to recommend KPA the appropriate mitigation measures for environmental and social impacts by the Project. Based on the satisfactory outcomes of this Study, the Government of Japan has decided to provide JBIC ODA Loan to the Project.  The Loan Agreement was concluded between JBIC and Government of Kenya in November 2007.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

The consulting services provided by our staff cover the following :

1)      Study on general environmental impact by the Project

- Review of existing EIA and preparation of environmental checklist;

- Supplementary study of impact by reclamation, dredging and offshore disposal of dredged materials and analysis of obtained information, including proposal for sufficient mitigation measures;

- Study on impact on neighboring fishery and proposal for compensations to fishermen;

- Collection and analysis of information of environmental impact by construction of access road; and

- Support for preparation of Environmental Management Plan.

2)       Study on site acquisition and resettlement caused by constriction of access road

- Conformation of progress of RAP under preparation;

- Review and analysis of RAP.

3)       Preparation and submission of Environmental Consideration Report.

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